Creates HTML widgets from sorting grids. Wraps pensieve's inanimatus.js. End users should use the convenient print method wrappers.

  grid = as_psGrid(obj = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 1)),
  sort = matrix(data = c(NA, NA, NA, "foo", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "bar", NA, NA, NA,
    NA, NA, "zap", "zop", "zong", NA, NA, NA, "wap", "gum", "pap", "wep", "pel", NA,
    "rom", "com", "jul", "rob", "di", "nir", "omg"), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 5),
  header = TRUE,
  footer = TRUE,
  aspect_ratio_cards = 16/9,
  scale_2_height = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL



[matrix()] giving the availability of cells for sorting as logical(1) values. The (horizontal) x-axis is assumed to be the sorting direction, the (vertical) y-axis for recording ties. Dimensions can be named (recommended), giving a short description of the sorting dimension (only applicable to the x-axis). Row and column indeces can also be named, but names are purely cosmetic.


[matrix()] giving the occupying item of cells for sorting as character(1) strings of item handles. NA is used for empty and disallowed cells (see psGrid). The (horizontal) x-axis is assumed to be the sorting direction, the (vertical) y-axis for recording ties. Dimensions can be named (recommended), giving a short description of the sorting dimension (only applicable to the x-axis). Row and column indeces can also be named, but names are purely cosmetic.


A logical flag, defaults to TRUE, in which case column or row names from grid are included as headers or footers, respectively. Missing row or column names are replaced with sensible defaults.


A logical flag, defaults to TRUE, in which case column or row names from grid are included as headers or footers, respectively. Missing row or column names are replaced with sensible defaults.


A numeric scalar, giving width divided by height of individual cards (such as 16/9 for screen dimensions). Aspect ratio of cards is required to appropriately set the resulting dimensions of the grid. Defaults to standard business cards.


[logical()] giving whether widget should, in addition to width, also be scaled to an ancestor height. Only set TRUE if you are sure that the surrounding markup passes down a valid css height property, otherwise you will get bad css for the widget. Defaults to NULL; FALSE when rendering via knitr, otherwise TRUE.


Fixed width for widget (in css units). The default is NULL, which results in intelligent automatic sizing based on the widget's container.


Fixed height for widget (in css units). The default is NULL, which results in intelligent automatic sizing based on the widget's container.


An htmlwidget.