All functions |
Coerce messy, but convenient format of all logical sorts to a |
Validate S3 classes from pensieve |
Check if function works with specified arguments |
Check if a function already exists |
Check if running on main dev machine |
Q-Sorts on taxation and the economy from the 2014 CiviCon Citizen Conference |
Correlate Q Sorts. |
Create Co-Occurence Matrices. |
Export S3 objects from pensieve in useful formats. |
Dimensionality reduction. |
Pairwise assessments of items on labor and digital technology |
HTML widget factory for sorting grids |
Documents knit_print |
Q-Sorts and Q-Categorisations on language games |
pensieve. |
Store multiple sorts as a numeric matrix |
Store sorting grid as logical matrix. |
Store item content as character strings |
Store individual sort and dimension description by one participant. |
Store multiple open sorts in a psOpenSorts list. |
Construct tibble with additional participant information |
Store an individual sort as a character matrix of item handles |
Run accio |
Factor scores. |
Validate S3 classes from pensieve |