Constructs S3 class for pensieve.

psOpenSort(osort, descriptions = NULL, scale = NULL)

as_psOpenSort(osort, descriptions = NULL, scale = NULL)

# S3 method for matrix
as_psOpenSort(osort, descriptions = NULL, scale = NULL)

# S3 method for data.frame
as_psOpenSort(osort, descriptions = NULL, scale = NULL)

# S3 method for psLogicalOpenSort

# S3 method for psLogicalOpenSort
autoplot(object, edge_codings = NULL, str_wrap_width = 30)

# S3 method for psLogicalOpenSort
summary(object, ...)



a matrix with items as rows, open dimensions as columns, and open sort value in cells.

If rows are named (by item handles), names must be valid R names.

If columns are named, they must be valid R names and they must be the same as the names in descriptions. Either way, osort and descriptions are always matched by index only: the first column from osort, must be the first element of description, and so forth.


a character vector giving the open-ended dimension description provided by the participant. If elements are named, names must be valid R names. Defaults to NULL, in which case no user-provided dimension descriptions are available (not recommended).


a charater string giving the scale of the open sorts, must be one of:

  • logical for nominally-scaled sort, where an open dimension applies (TRUE) or does not apply (FALSE). osort must be a logical matrix. The subclass "psLogicalOpenSort" is prepended and validated.

  • ordinal for an ordinally-scaled sort, where an open dimension applies to some item more (2nd rank) or less (3rd rank) than to another other item. osort must be an integer matrix. The subclass "psOrdinalOpenSort" is prepended and validated.

  • interval for interval or ratio-scaled sort, where an open dimension applies to some item by some amount more or less (say 2.4 units) than to another item. osort must be a numeric matrix. The subclass "psIntervalOpenSort" is prepended and validated.

Defaults to NULL, in which case the scale is inferred from the implicit class of osort.

Currently only logical is supported.


a psLogicalOpenSort, created by psOpenSort().


a psLogicalOpenSort, created by psOpenSort().


a tibble with category description indeces in the first column, and arbitrary metadata about the descriptions in limited later columns:

  • 2nd column will be mapped to line color,

  • 3rd column will be mapped to line type (and must be discrete). Later columns will be ignored. Useful if participants or researchers have coded the open-ended descriptions in some way. Category description indeces must be a subset of the column names in x. If more then one code applies to a category, multiple rows with identical categories can exist, and multiple, "fanned-out" edges will be drawn between the respective nodes. See note. Defaults to NULL.


integer scalar, giving the maximum number of characters after which to insert a newline, passed on to stringr::str_wrap(). Defaults to 30. Useful for long descriptions.


further arguments passed to methods.


Object of class psOpenSort.

Methods (by generic)

  • as_psOpenSort: coerce matrix to psOpenSort

  • as_psOpenSort: coerce data.frame to psOpenSort

  • tidy: Prepare individual open sort for bipartite plotting.

  • autoplot: Create bipartite plot from individual open sort.

  • summary: Summarise an individual open sort.


To render the resulting ggplot object, you must manually call library(ggraph) somewhere in your script (as per this limitation).

If codings are added, the aesthetics are set for each individual psOpenSort separately, which may make it hard to compare plots across participants. To get consistent code aesthetics, consider applying ggraph::scale_edge_color_manual() and friends.

See also

Other S3 classes from pensieve: correlate(), extract(), psClosedSorts(), psGrid(), psItemContent(), psOpenSorts(), psPeople(), score()


# create single open sort ==== # Lisas open sort, unnamed descriptions (matched by index) losort <- matrix( data = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(items = c("cat", "dog", "cow"))) descriptions <- c( "a pet which largely takes care of itself", NA # dimension is assigned, but not described (not a problem) ) lisa <- psOpenSort(osort = losort, descriptions = descriptions) # Peters open sort, named descriptions (*also* only matched by index) losort <- matrix( data = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), nrow = 3, dimnames = list( items = c("cat", "dog", "cow"), categories = c("in_homes", "quiet", "herbivore") )) descriptions <- c( in_homes = "Animal found in peoples homes.", quiet = "Does not make a lot of noise.", herbivore = "Eats plants.") # defined, but never TRUE (not a problem) peter <- psOpenSort(osort = losort, descriptions = descriptions) # coercion methods peter_m <- as_psOpenSort(osort = as.matrix(x = losort), descriptions = descriptions) peter_df <- as_psOpenSort(osort = = losort), descriptions = descriptions) # Rebeccas open sort, without any descriptions provided losort <- matrix( data = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(handles = c("cat", "dog", "cow"))) rebecca <- psOpenSort(osort = losort, descriptions = NULL) # Ira open sort, with some problems losort <- matrix( data = c( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, # this is dropped, b/c there is just no valuable information here, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, # same problem; no variance FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, # also no variance, but there *is* a corresponding description, # so we're setting column to NA and keeping the description NA, TRUE, FALSE), # you can also have *actual* NAs nrow = 3, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(handles = c("cat", "dog", "cow")) ) descriptions <- c(NA, NA, "mammals", NA) ira <- suppressWarnings(as_psOpenSort(osort = losort, descriptions = descriptions)) # this gives appropriate warning messages # psOpenSort() would error out; only coercion method will attempt fix # ordinally and intervally scaled sorts are also possible, but currently unsupported tyler <- matrix( data = as.integer(c(1, 2, 2, 1)), nrow = 2, ) tyler <- psOpenSort( osort = tyler, scale = "ordinal") # defaults to implicit class of base type roberta <- matrix( data = c(2.2, 4.3, -2.8, 0), nrow = 2 ) roberta <- psOpenSort(osort = roberta) # plotting ==== library(ggraph) # must be attached while running below
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
ggplot2::autoplot(object = lisa)
ggplot2::autoplot(object = rebecca)
# no with codes petercodes <- tibble::tibble(category = c("in_homes", "in_homes", "quiet", "herbivore"), reference = c("location", "human interaction", NA, "animal diet"), length = c("medium", "medium", "medium", "short") # notice the duplicates to allow for multiple codes ) ggplot2::autoplot(object = peter, edge_codings = petercodes)
#> $n_dim #> [1] 3 #> #> $n_true #> [1] 4 #> #> $true_per_dim #> [1] 1.333333 #> #> $n_true_by_item #> cat dog cow #> 2 1 1 #> #> $n_true_by_dim #> in_homes quiet herbivore #> 2 1 1 #>